Mosaic Works Online

Community Training . Mosaic Design & Installation . Classes . Online shop
– Cape Town –


Our classes are held in a causal garden setting at 38 Gill Road, Tableview.   Due to current social distancing protocols, we can only host 6 students at a time.  We ask that you wear your mask for the duration of the workshop.

Direct Method – Beginners

We start off with a talk on the history of mosaic, various materials, styles and making methods of mosaic. You will learn how to transfer a design, how to cut and stick tiles and how to grout.  The 200x200mm pot stand and all of the mosaics used to make the project are included in the cost of the class.

Indirect Method – Working onto mesh backing

In this class you will make a mosaic onto mesh backing and install the mosaic onto a cement stepping stone.  You will learn to cut, shape and stick tiles, how to prepare your cement surface, how to mix and apply adhesive to your cement surface.  Grouting may need to be done at home as the adhesive requires some time to cure before one can grout.  We will show you how to grout and will send you home with the necessary materials to finish your project off.

Indirect Method – Reverse method with paper

Make a 300x300mm mosaic piece by fixing the tiles onto a paper backing and then invert the mosaic into a cement adhesive.  The advantage of this method of mosaic is that you can get a smooth surface when using mosaic of various thickness.

Please be advised that your mosaic for each project will be in a ‘kit format’ where the design and tiles will be supplied.  This ensures that we can effectively move through the class with everyone working to the same tempo.

Classes start at 09h00 sharp and run until 12h00. 

To secure your place in the class, please make full payment into our bank account at least 48 hours before the date of the workshop and email proof of payment with your name and workshop date to

Bank details:



Account name

Account number


Montague Gardens (632005)

ME Charles

406 734 0851

Class dates:

Saturday 13th February 

Saturday 27th February 

Saturday 13th March

Saturday 20th March

Saturday 3rd April

Direct Method           

Indirect Method : Mesh    

Indirect Method : Paper             

Direct Method                             

Indirect Method : Mesh  

Cost R450

Cost R580

Cost R580

Cost R450

Cost R580